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AR Denarius of Mark Antony
This coin was struck in a moving military mint by Mark Antony. He produced these coins to pay his soldiers. Since high production was required, copper was added, resulting in a low desire to save these coins. Since these coins were heavily circulated…
Tags: Eagle, galley, Marc Antony, military, Military Standard, Roman, war
Like most Roman Republic coinage, the figures on the obverse are mythological; the twin Dioscuri appear conjoined at the back of the head. These brothers, one mortal and the other divine, were renowned for their horsemanship and thought to protect…
Sestertius of Trajan Decius
This coin features a portrait of Trajan Decius, who became Emperor of Rome after killing his predecessor Philip the Arab during a rebellion. Trajan Decius reigned for only two years until he was killed in the Battle of Abritus alongside his son, with…
Tags: battle, crown, headpiece, laurel crown, palm, politician, Trajan Decius, Victory, war, wreath
AE AS of Vespasian
This Ancient Roman coin was minted in 71 C.E. out of Bronze. The coin honors the Roman emperor Vespasian who reigned from 69-79 A.D. Vespasian was the fourth and final emperor in the year of The Year of the Four Emperors (69 C.E.). Backing the coin…
Roman Republic L. Valerius Flaccus
The obverse side of the coin pictures the winged bust of Victory, possibly chosen in hopes for success in the Jugurthine War. The reverse pictures Mars, the god of war, holding a spear and a trophy next to grain. Also on the reverse is an apex, which…
AR Denarius of Q. Fabius Maximus
The obverse of this coin depicts the personification of Rome through a figure wearing a helmet. This represents the wars fought by the Romans and the protection given from them for the people. On the reverse, it shows a cornucopia with wreaths around…
AR Denarius of MarK Antony
Obverse: Figure of Mark Antony. Reverse: War trophy with sword and shield hanging upon it. Marc Antony was a Roman general who had solidified his reputation after a win in the last civil war which led to the downfall of the empire. Displayed on the…